Trail Maple Leaf Band
Reunion Celebrating
90 Years
September 29, 2007
The Trail Maple Leaf Band in Trail, BC celebrated its 90th Anniversary on Saturday, September 29, 2007. The band hosted a large reunion in the Cominco Memorial Arena Gym to mark this historic anniversary. The day consisted of the official Reunion Sign-In, a morning Massed Alumni Band rehearsal, an afternoon band concert featuring the current Maple Leaf Band followed by the Trail Maple Leaf Massed Alumni Band, and an evening Reception to "mix and mingle". There were also pictures, historic items and memorabilia on display.
The reunion was a huge success and the many months of preparation and organization really paid off. The job began with some historical researching and detective work to find the names and current addresses of every person (or their surviving spouse) who had at one time been a member of the band, from students to seniors. Invitations were sent out to almost 200 people. From across the country 33 former members arrived to join with the 35 present members of the Maple Leaf Band. Another 300 people, friends and family of the band members, listened as audience. The selection of music played included pieces written or arranged by Joe Fuoco, Arnie Rutter, and the late great Mills Baldassi (“Time to Say Goodnight”). Special awards were given to our five most senior members who have been with the band for 67 to 77 years: Elsio Vanelli, Lorne DePaolis, Sandy DiPasquale, Raz Truant and Jack Vellutini. Spokesperson Mary Lynn Klit, remarked that she (along with the rest of us) have been inspired by the commitment and dedication of these long time members. One should note that the band also includes several young, talented musicians in their mid-teens. An excellent buffet “light” supper was served, and a huge cake presented to mark the occasion. An impromptu jazz concert by Don Clark, Lorne DePaolis, Bob Bertuzzi and others wound up the evening.
A photo history album has been prepared by Steve Guidone. This publication covers in stories and pictures, the 90 years of the band and includes many photos of the anniversary celebration. Articles and photos from the anniversary were also featured in the October 1, 2007 edition of the Trail Daily Times.
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