Historical Photos

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1913 Trail Italian Band at Butler Park

1930 Tito Allega and Band

1935 Kelowna Regatta

1936 Nelson Park

1937 Kelowna Regatta

1947 Colville Park Concert

1947 July 4 Colville

1948 Trail Parade

1949 Nelson Fall Fair

1951 TMLB Portrait

1965 Concert at Gyro Park

1967 Rossland Museum Opening

1970s GrandForks

1973 Rossland Jubilee

1976 Trail Jubilee at Gyro Park

1980 Waneta Mall Christmas

1990 TMLB Portrait

1991 Silver City Days

1991 Silver City Days

1991 Silver City Days

1991 Silver City Days

1999 Silver City Days